auf wiedersehen

just a little snapshot of my time spent at drivebusiness. The people have come and gone but all have made my time at drive exceptional. big love to all the db crew past and present.

My Facebook Friends Infographic

It was my birthday on the 30th of September, and I thought I’d track the amount of so called ‘Friends’ that took the little bit of  time out of their day to say
‘Happy Birthday’

I had set myself a target of ALL of my friends which, at the time, was a modest 197 people.  However, during the course of the day that number increased to 205. Not as difficult as you’d expect with Facebook stats saying that of the 800 million users more than 50% of them are active on any given day – RIGHT?

I have attached a little infographic showing the results.




Thought it was time to change my twitter, blog and get around to creating my portfolio site. Change is good for the soul.

@kirsty_hunter82 just for you.

Take a simple photo of your mate a work…

then whilst doing [ahem] research for a potential client you find this image…

then google “photoshoot” …

you end up with this…

Yeah i know…he’s a natural.

Mike Giant

Timelapse footage of Mike Giant’s wall drawing at Mediamatic in Amsterdam. Video by Arden.

the good sisters

View this is full screen to see it better.

Life is too short to wear ugly temporary tattoos. Right?

Above: Special Launch Range $35 plus shipping available from

Latest Marcus Kuhn: The Gypsy Gentleman, Episode I

Owl Tattoo

Tattoo Age

At a time when everyone in the industry is talking about shit tattoo TV programs and if your into Tattoos then you know what I mean! If not then sorry but I’m not going to give it any more time or energy [google it]

Anyway whilst all that goes on out pops this eagerly anticipated wee gem ‘Tattoo Age’

Part 1 of 3 showcases Dan Santoro at  ‘Smith Street Tattoo’  I’ve watched this like 5 times already, cant wait for the next installments.